Thursday, April 1, 2010

Can you Download Streaming Video?

The sad truth is that there is no way to download streaming video options. Many people are disappointed when they learn this, especially since there are so many places that will offer streaming videos to individuals. Sometimes, there are websites that will require a fee from members in order for them to view the videos that the site has to offer, but they will offer streaming videos on the website. Many people may think that they can download streaming video clips, but this is a misconception. Streaming video is not a medium.

Rather, the medium is the video, but the method of how the video is offered to the general public is streaming. Streaming is something that is constantly being offered or played for anyone to view. Television stations that are on twenty four hours a day are streaming. Just because you turn your television on during the day does not mean you are recording, or downloading, the video. That is how streaming video works, and why the ability to download streaming video does not work.

However, there is an alternative solution to the problem people may be having when they want to download streaming video. There is software that they can purchase of download which would allow them to save the video or videos that they are seeing, which can save them money in the long run, especially if the individual is paying for a website that only offer streaming videos and they understand that they cannot ever actually download streaming video clips.

Many different websites will offer streaming videos, and others will offer videos of another types that you can actually download. However, these are not streaming videos and they will take longer to start up. This is because the information has to load before it can play, when the video is a download. However, when the video is a streaming video it starts right away and is connected immediately to the origin point. If a person is setting up their own website with videos on it, it will be very important that they know that they cannot offer to their customers that they would be able to download streaming video clips off of the website. This cannot be done and customers will be less likely to go to the site if that claim is made, since it is not possible and this will likely drive experienced website users away. However, streaming videos have their own benefits and are very quick and effective.
These benefits can be played up since they are very advantageous to a lot of people that are looking for effective and efficient videos from websites.

Offering videos is often very nice for people that are looking for different mediums besides the written work on the internet through which they can learn information. The exchange of information is sometimes done faster through video, and the result can be that there is more of a connection between the individual and the topic in the story that they are learning about in the video, versus if it was written out. Sometimes images are just more powerful than words.

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